Monika : Y5 Science

Chapter 1
  1.  Read “All About Seeds.”
  2. Watch this lesson on seeds. Make sure you listen to it! It’s talking to you. Click on the arrow to turn the page when it is time.
  3. Read about seed dispersal.
  4. Read “How Seeds Are Scattered.”
  5. Read about seed structure.
  6. Turn the page and read about germination.
  7. You don’t need to know all of the blue words.
  8. Read about germination.
  9. You can read about and watch germination here.
  10. Do all plants have seeds to make more plants? What do you think? Make a guess then read this page.
  11. Now turn the page. Can you figure out which seeds grows into which plant?
  12. Can you say which way a seed becomes a plant?
  13. Follow the directions on the next page.
  14. *Do you remember woody and herbaceous plants? Connect the words to the correct parts of the tree (the woody plant) and the flowers (the herbaceous plant).
  15. What parts do both types of plants have?
  16. Read the poem at the top of the paper. Why couldn’t woody bend?
  1. Read pages 18-21 of The First Book of Plants. These pages are about two things that woody and herbaceous plants have in common.
  2.  Read this page about plant classification.
  3. Read about the parts of a flower. Just read this one page.
  4. Read The First Book of Plants pages 23 and 24.
  5. Draw a picture of a flower and label it
  6. Read The First Book of Plants pages 25 to 29.

  7. Read The First Book of Plants pages 30-33.
  8. Take the quiz and see what you remember. It’s okay to mistakes if you learn from them! Skip the page with the blank boxes. Click next to move on.
  9. Read about bulbs. You don’t have to learn the blue words, but click on the word bulb and then draw and label a picture like the one shown. Don’t click on the box at the bottom of the page.
  10. Tell someone about bulbs.
  11. Read “What is a bulb?” and follow the directions. Add to your list.
  12. See if you can see the parts of a bulb in an onion or garlic clove.
  13. Finish reading the rest of the case. Keep clicking next.
  14. Watch the video on plant growth and take the quiz.
  15. Watch the video on photosynthesis and take the quiz. It’s okay if you don’t get them all right. This is advanced.

Chapter 3

  1. Learn the water cycle. What are the four parts?
  2. Answer these questions about the water cycle. (You can just tell someone the answers.) Watch the water cycle animation again if you need help with any of the answers. There are two answers that aren’t in the animation, but they are things you’ve learned about this year already. They start with G and R.
  3. You are going to be reading about 3 pages a day from the book, The First Book of Water.
  4. Read the next three pages of The First Book of Water.
  5. Read the next three pages of The First Book of Water.
  6. Next in the water cycle is evaporation and transpiration.
  7. Experiment: Wet different materials and set them out in the sun. Observe how long they take to dry. Where did the water go? (You can do this indoors if you need to.) Ideas for materials: paper towel, washcloth, twig
  8.  Read the next three pages of The First Book of Water.
  9. The next phase of the water cycle is condensation, where water vapor cools into water droplets and forms clouds.
  10.  Read the next three pages of The First Book of Water.
  11. What happens when you heat ice? What happens when you heat liquid? What happens when you cool steam? What happens when you cool liquid?
  12. The last stage of the water cycle is precipitation. You are most familiar with this. It means when the water falls from the sky as rain, snow or even hail.
  13.  Read about temperature. Keep clicking on next. The last page to read has a play button.
  14. Drag the slider up and down the thermometer to see what average temperatures are for various things, both in Fahrenheit and in Celsius.
  15. What’s the current temperature where you are?
  16. Find your current temperature on the other scale, either Fahrenheit or Celsius.
  17. Sometimes the temperature feels different than it is. When you are out in the sun it feels hotter than in the shade. Wet your hands and wave them around to act like wind is blowing on them. Do they feel colder? We call that wind chill. When it’s windy, it feels cooler.

Chapters 4 & 5
    1. Read these three pages (click on next page) about light.
    2. Do this activity about light.
    3. Let’s learn a little more about light and the light bulb. The light in the bulb basically is a fine wire, called a filament, that gives off light because it is heated up and gets hot. It’s actually atoms that are giving off light. Remember how they get excited when they heat up? The electricity travels into the bulb, heats up the atoms in the filament, causes them to jump around which gives off the light. To make the bulb shine as it does, it is filled with a gas to help it. The gas is called argon.
    4. Watch the video below on how a light bulb is made in a factory today
    5. We see because light travels from the light source to an object, reflects off that object and hits our eye.
    6. Watch this video about how light travels.
    7. Try this quiz about light.
    8. (If you can’t answer the questions, go and read here.)

    9. You’ve learned that light travels in a straight line. You’ve also learned that you can change the direction that light travels by reflecting it.
    10. Take a hand-held mirror (or something else reflective–watches and rings might work) and find a light to reflect. Make a light dance around the ceiling by reflecting it off your mirror.
    11. Get a glass of water. Use a clear glass if you can so you can see inside well. Place a pencil or straw inside the cup. Does it look the pencil is bent? The light bends when it hits the surface of the water. It doesn’t stop the light like a wall does, but it bends it enough to send a bent reflection back to our eyes.
    12. *Write up an experiment worksheet. Question: Can light bend?
    13. Watch this video about how light bends and slows.
    15. Get a metal spoon. Look at yourself in it. Turn it over. What do you observe? Remember, what you see is the light reflecting off of something. Because the top of the spoon is curved down the light bounces off and heads down, so we see our forehead at the bottom. The light that hits the bottom part is bounced up by the curve, so we see our chins at the top. On the other side we see ourselves stretched out. Why? In what direction does the light bounce?
    16. Draw a picture of light hitting a spoon from both sides. Where does the light bounce to?
    17. Read this page about reflection.
    18. Read this page about light refraction.
    19. Because of what we know about how our eyes see light and how our brains receive those signals, people have developed many optical illusions. We think we see what we don’t see. Want to see?
    20. Here is one. The pictures on the right and the left are the same. The blocks A and B are the same color.
    21. Here is another.
    22. Want more?

Yan : Y 8 Biology

Food & Digestion

Diffusion Through a Membrane experiment:

Iodine turns blue in reaction to starch. When a starch solution is placed in dialysis tubing (a semi-permeable membrane) and the tubing is added to a beaker of iodine , will the starch be able to pass through the tubing and turn the water blue or will the smaller iodine molecules pass through and turn the contents of the tube


Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration:

The Benefits and Effects of Exercise:

Microbes and Disease

Microbes Video (what's it, transmission, control, protecting food):

Plasmodium, The Malaria Parasite:

Flu Attack! How A Virus Invades Your Body:


Ecosystems and ecological networks:


Yan : History (The Making of the UK) - Y8 Unit A

Section 1& 2

Section 3

Section 4

The English Civil War ( King Charles):

English Civil War 08- Decision to Execute King Charles 1 (also about Oliver Cromwell):

Section 5

Yan : Geography (Y 8)

Chapter 1 Weathering, Rivers and Coasts

Chapter 2 Farming

Chapter 3 Industry

Chapter 4 Resources and the Environment

Intro to Biomes:

Environmental Issues:

Energy Resources:

Chapter 5 Population

Population distribution:

Population change:



Chapter 6 Kenya

Chapter 7 World Issues

Global Warming:

Water Problem:

Food Shortages:

Yan : Maths (Unit 3: Fractions)


  1. Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction   Complete the exercise.
  2. Identifying Fraction Parts   Complete these two exercises.  one  two 
  3. Equivalent fractions   Complete the exercise “Equivalent Fractions.”
  4. Equivalent Fractions Example   Read the page and answer the questions.
  5. Comparing Fractions   Complete the exercise “Equivalent Fractions 2.”
  6. Fractions in lowest terms   Read the page and answer the questions.
  7. Comparing Fractions 2   Complete the exercise.
  8. Ordering Fractions   Complete the exercise. (When I looked at this, it seemed to be having a weird technical issue. Just look at the fraction and ignore and gobbledy gook.)
  9. Proper and Improper Fractions and Mixed numbers and improper fractions   Read about proper and improper fractions as well as mixed numbers. Tell someone what each of those are and when you use them.
  10. Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions   Answer the questions.
  11. Changing an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number   Complete the exercise.
  12. Changing a Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction   Complete the exercise “Comparing Fractions 2.”
  13. Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers   Complete the exercise “Comparing Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers.”
  14. Adding Fractions with Like Denominators    Complete the exercise.
  15. Subtracting Fractions   Do NOT do the exercise on the video. Complete the exercise “Subtracting Fractions with Common Denominators.”
  16. Read about finding the least common multiple and answer the questions.
  17. Finding Common Denominators   Read the page and answer the questions. Here’s a calculator for finding the least common multiple.
  18. Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators and Adding fractions (ex 1)   Complete the exercise.
  19. Complete the exercise “Subtracting Fractions.”
  20. Adding and subtracting fractions and Adding fractions with different signs   Complete the exercise.
  21. Complete the exercise, “Fraction Word Problems 1.”
  22. Adding Mixed Numbers and Subtracting Mixed Numbers  and Adding Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators  Read the page and answer the questions.
  23. Complete the exercise “Fractions on a Number Line 1.”
  24. Complete the exercise “Fractions on a Number Line 2.”
  25. Complete the exercise “Fractions on a Number Line 3.”
  26. Adding subtracting mixed numbers 0.5 (ex 1) and Adding subtracting mixed numbers 0.5 (ex 2)   Complete the exercise “Adding Subtracting Mixed Numbers 0.5.”
  27. Adding subtracting mixed numbers 1 (ex 1)  and Adding subtracting mixed numbers 1 (ex 2)   Complete the exercise “Adding Subtracting Mixed Numbers 1.”
  28. Adding Mixed Numbers Word Problem and Subtracting Mixed Numbers Word Problem   Complete the exercises: one  two.
  29. Multiplying Fractions   Complete the exercise.
  30. Multiplying Mixed Numbers   Complete the exercise.
  31. Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers  Complete the exercise “Multiplying Fractions.”
  32. Multiplying Fractions Word Problem   Complete the exercise.
  33.  and Dividing Fractions Example   Complete the exercise.
  34. Dividing Fractions Word Problem   Complete the exercise.
  35. Reciprocal of a Mixed Number   Read this lesson and answer the “Your Turn” questions at the bottom of the page.
  36. Dividing Mixed Numbers and Dividing Mixed Numbers and Fractions   Solve: 2 and 4/9 divided by 1 and 1/8. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions. Then multiply the first by the reciprocal of the second.

Haziq: Mc Guffey Primer

This is the beginning of the reading portion after learning the alphabet sounds. Before beginning this page, your child should be able to recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, knowing their names and basic sounds.

  • Now we are going to start reading our first book!
  1. Look at your words
  2. Look at your words.
  3. Look at your words and read lesson I.
  4. Look at your words.
  5. Look at your words.
  6. Put the starting sound on the word.
  7. Look at your words and read lesson II.
  8. Put shapes on the gingerbread man.
  9. Look at your words.
  10. Look at your words.
  11. Look at your words and read lesson III.
  12. What colors can you make?
  13. Look at your words.
  14. Look at your words.
  15. Put the starting sound on the word.
  16. Look at your words and read lesson IV.
  17. You are learning to read! That’s wonderful!
  18. Today is review, lesson V. Don’t worry about the cursive. Just skip over it.
  19. Listen to a color story.
  20. Paint a picture. Use as many colors as you can!
  21. Look at your words.
  22. Look at your words.
  23. Look at your words and read lesson VI. If your child is stuck on a word, another way to help is to remind your child that the story matches the picture. Maybe the picture has a clue as to what the word is.
  24. Build a snowman.
  25. Look at your words.
  26. Look at your words.  (The word “on” is missing from the #4 practice, but they learn it in the #1 and 2 practices.)
  27. Put the starting sound on the word.
  28. Look at your words and read lesson VII.
  29. Play a game.
  30. Look at your words.
  31. Look at your words.
  32. Look at your words and read lesson VIII.
  33. Count the rabbits.
  34. Look at your words.
  35. Look at your words.
  36. Look at your words and read lesson IX.
  37. Make music. Use the arrow to find Horton the Elephant.
  38. Read lesson X. Choose one sentence to read again fast!
  39. Put together this puzzle. First you have to make the pieces right-side up! To turn the pieces click on them and then click on an arrow key.
  40. Play this counting game.
  41. Watch this counting song.
  42. Look at your words.
  43. Look at your words.
  44. Look at your words and read lesson XI.
  45. Play Monkey  Jump.
  46. Look at your words.
  47. Look at your words.
  48. Look at your words and read lesson XII.
  49. Ready for a race?
  50. Look at your words.
  51. Look at your words.
  52. Look at your words and read lesson XIII.
  53. Count the animals.
  54. Look at your words.
  55. Look at your words.
  56. Look at your words and read lesson XIV.
  57. Sort the colors.
  58. Read lesson XV. Choose one sentence to read again fast!
  59. Watch this counting video.
  60. Play lemonade stand.
  61. *Make a five fish craft (paper plate–can use crayon instead of paint for the water) or an egg carton craft (egg carton and cereal or coins or something else small).
  62. Look at your words.
  63. Look at your words.
  64. Put the starting sound on the word.
  65. Look at your words and read lesson XVI. Turn the page.
  66. Watch the alphabet video.
  67. Look at your words.
  68. Look at your words.
  69. Look at your words and read lesson XVII.
  70. Create an ocean.
  71. Look at your words.
  72. Look at your words.
  73. Look at your words and read lesson XVIII.
  74. Sort the colors.
  75. Look at your words.
  76. Look at your words.
  77. Look at your words and read lesson XIX.
  78. Be a bug catcher.
  79. Read lesson XX. Choose one sentence to read again fast!  (Parent: If you are having to tell your child words, please consider stopping and going back to the last lesson he can read perfectly and start from there. It’s fine to have to point out a wrong word or to have to remind them by asking, “What letter does it start with?” as long as they can figure it out eventually. You can also encourage your child to use the picture for clues.)
  80. Watch this counting video.
  81. Play this jungle counting game.
  82. *Put together this caterpillar. (craft)
  83. Look at your words. I forgot a word on the lesson! Here it is, but. Click on the link and find it at the top of the page in dark letters, but. Next to it is a little speaker. If you click on it, it will read the word to you.
  84. Look at your words. Don’t forget this one, but.
  85. Put the starting sound on the word.
  86. Look at your words and read lesson XXI.
  87. Make music.
  88. Look at your words.
  89. Look at your words.
  90. Put the starting sound on the word.
  91. Look at your words and read lesson XXII.
  92. Play shape shadows.
  93. Look at your words. I missed a word again! Here it is, sun. Click on the link and find it at the top of the page in dark letters, sun. Next to it is a little speaker. If you click on it, it will read the word to you.
  94. Look at your words.
  95. Look at your words and read lesson XXIII. Don’t forget this one!  sun
  96. Count the fish.
  97. Look at your words.
  98. Look at your words.
  99. Look at your words and read lesson XXIV.
  100. Create a forest.
  101. Read lesson XXV.  Choose one sentence to read again fast!
  102. Watch this counting video.
  103. Play this farm counting game.
  104. Watch the animal sounds video.
  105. Look at your words.
  106. Look at your words.
  107. Look at your words and read lesson XXVI.
  108. Can you find your way through the zoo maze?
  109. Look at your words.
  110. Look at your words.
  111. Look at your words and read lesson XXVII.
  112. Can you make a match?
  113. Look at your words.
  114. Look at your words.
  115. Look at your words and read lesson XXVIII.
  116. Count the chickens.
  117. Look at your words.
  118. Look at your words.
  119. Look at your words and read lesson XXIX.
  120. Sort the colors.
  121. Read lesson XXX.  Choose one sentence to read again fast!
  122. Play this forest counting game.
  123. Put together this puzzle.
  124. Watch this counting video.
  125. Look at your words.
  126. Look at your words.
  127. Look at your words and read lesson XXXI.
  128. Can you make matches?
  129. Look at your words.
  130. Look at your words.
  131. Look at your words and read lesson XXXII.
  132. Make music.
  133. Look at your words.
  134. Look at your words.
  135. Look at your words and read lesson XXXIII.
  136. Count the bunnies and find the match.
  137. Look at your words.
  138. Look at your words.
  139. Look at your words and read lesson XXXIV.
  140. Create a jungle.
  141. Read lesson XXXV.  Choose one sentence to read again fast!
  142. Listen to the story. Click on the first page.
  143. *Do this counting lapbook. You don’t have to finish today. You can do more tomorrow and the next day.
  144. Look at your words.
  145. Look at your words.
  146. Look at your words and read lesson XXXVI.
  147. Go food shopping. Buy healthy food by matching the pictures.
  148. Look at your words.
  149. Look at your words.
  150. Look at your words and read lesson XXXVII. Turn the page.
  151. Make music.
  152. Look at your words.
  153. Look at your words.
  154. Look at your words and read lesson XXXVIII.
  155. Watch the lonely vowel video.
  156. Look at your words.
  157. Look at your words.
  158. Look at your words and read lesson XXXIX. Turn the page.
  159. Count the shapes.
  160. Read lesson XL
  161. Do this counting game. Count to 10.
  162. Look at your words.
  163. Look at your words.
  164. Look at your words and read lesson XLI.
  165. Do the senses lapbook.
  166. Look at your words.
  167. Look at your words.
  168. Look at your words and read lesson XLII.
  169. Do this senses game.
  170. Look at your words.
  171. Look at your words.
  172. Look at your words and read lesson XLIII.
  173. Watch the color song.
  174. Look at your words.
  175. Look at your words.
  176. Look at your words and read lesson XLIV.
  177. Paint the shapes.
  178. Read lesson XLVParent, read the new words listed on lesson XLVI to your child. Don’t worry about the cursive. Just skip it.
  179. Play this counting game.
  180. Play this word game.
  181. *Can you find your way?
  182. Look at your words.
  183. Look at your words.
  184. Look at your words and read lesson XLVII.
  185. Make a farm.
  186. Look at your words.
  187. Look at your words.
  188. Look at your words and read lesson XLVIII. Turn the page.
  189. Sort the shapes.
  190. Look at your words.
  191. Look at your words.
  192. Look at your words and read lesson XLIX.
  193. *Color the shapes and count the different shapes.
  194. Look at your words.
  195. Look at your words.
  196. Look at your wordsRead lesson L. Turn the page.
  197. Make music.
  198. Look at your words.
  199. Look at your words.
  200. Look at your words and read lesson LI.
  201. Watch the lots of shapes video.
  202. Look at your words.
  203. Look at your words.
  204. Look at your words (mute the audio and read it to the child) and read lesson LII.
  205. Listen to a rhyme.
  206. Congratulations! You read a whole book!