April : Monika

ENGLISH (Spend 40 minutes on this subject)

You will begin at Grade 2. Complete each section for Grade 2 before moving on to Grade 3.

Grade 2: Reading Comprehension
Story Sequencing
Figurative Language
Writing Strategies
Grade 3: Synonyms antonyms
Grade 4: Welcome to Desert (pronouns)
Grade 5: News Room (punctation and grammar)
When you have completed Grade 5, please click here and do ALL the quizzes for Reading, Writing, Spelling & Grammar. Record your scores in your journal. 

MATHEMATICS (Spend 40 minutes on this subject)

During each session, spend 30 minutes on Numbers and then another 10 minutes on Xtra maths

Numbers (spend 30 minutes on this section before you move on to Xtra math)

Knowing simple sums and learning useful calculations can help you with everyday tasks. In this section you will be learning about decimals, fractions, money, percentages etc.

Start with the 1st topic (Addition & Multiplication) and make sure you complete 2 sections (Read & Quiz) and get full marks for the quiz before moving on to the next topic. If you do not get full marks, read the whole section again and repeat the quiz until you get full marks.

To begin this section, click here.

Daily Math Drills - Practice Makes Perfect! 
1. Click on the link for XtraMath. It is in the right column, under the heading of "Resources"
2. Spend 10 minutes doing your math practices. 

SCIENCE (Spend 40 minutes on this subject)


Learn about the experiments that make the properties of solids, liquids and gases change.

Read each topic in this section then take the quiz. 

If you do not get full marks on the quiz, read the section again and repeat quiz until you get full marks. To begin, please click here.