Catherina : Science

Physical processes

In this section, we will look at electricity, types of energy forces, space, sound and light.  Please make sure you have covered each topic before moving on to the next.

E.g Day 1: Earth, Sun & Moon - make sure you complete 2 sections (Read, Quiz) before you move on to the next topic. If you do not get all questions correct in the quiz, please re-read the entire section and take the quiz again. Keep repeating it until you score full marks in the quiz.

To begin this section, please click here.

Revision on Electricity:
1. Watch a video by clicking here.
2. Read about electricity here before you do the quiz.

After you have completed all 9 topics in this section on Physical Processes, you may move on to the next section: Materials


In this section, we will learn about the experiments that make the properties of solids, liquids and gases change. Please make sure you have covered each topic before moving on to the next.

 To begin this section, please click here.