Jessica : Geography

Geography is the study of the Earth as it exists today, focusing on the surface, the atmosphere, the oceans, as well as the distribution of plants, animals, and people. Explore Geography to find out more about our world - places, people and processes - on both personal and global scales.

There are 6 chapters in this course (Places, Spaces, Interdependence, Physical processes, Human processes & Geographical enquiry). Each chapter has a few sections, and each sections has 3 steps (Revise, Activity, Test).

Start with chapter 1 (Places), and do the 1st section (Antartica). Complete all 3 steps in this section (Revise, Activity, Test) before you move on. If you do not get full marks (10/10) in the test, please revise and take the test again. Repeat this until you get full marks on the test.

Antarctica, Awesome areas, Extreme environments, Geography of Europe, Contrasts within a continent
2. Spaces
Rural areas and farming, Settlement in urban areas, Geography of crime
3. Interdependence
Population and migration, Globalisation and global trade, Development
4. Physical processes
Glaciation, Plate tectonics, Rivers and flooding, Coasts, Weather and climate
5. Human processes
Changing shopping patterns, Sustainable futures, Tourism, Geography of sport
6. Geographical enquiry
Geographical skills