Monika : Maths

Word Problems

Day 81
  1. We’re going to start solving problems with our math facts. We’ll keep playing games too, so we don’t forget the facts!
  2. We’re going to figure out the problems together at first.
  3. Let me give you an example of what a Word Problem is. Usually you do your math like this:  6 + 4 = ?  Let’s make that into a word problem.
    • Let’s say you have six people in your family. Another family with four people in it come over for dinner. How many people will be sitting at the table?
    • That’s a word problem. You need to figure out the answer, so you know how many chairs and plates you’ll need to set up.
    • How do you figure it out? You have 6 people plus 4 more come. That’s 6 plus 4.  6 + 4 = 10   That’s your answer.
  4. Now your turn. Here’s the word problem.
    • Ned rode his bike 7 miles to the library.
      He took a shortcut on the way home which was only 5 miles long.
      How many miles did Ned ride altogether?
    • I’m going to give you a hint. When a problem says altogether, you are going to add to find your answer. Before we add, let’s start with a picture.
    • Take a piece of paper. Draw Ned on one side. Draw a library on the other side (it can just be a square.) Put your finger on Ned. Your finger in Ned. Now move your finger up and over and to the library. How far did Ned go so far? How many miles? Read the problem to find out.  (answer: 7 miles)  Write the number on the paper.
    • Now move your finger straight back home. How far did Ned go to get back home? Look at the problem and find the number.  (answer: 5 miles)
    • Leave a space next to the seven and then write the number.
    • Now let’s do it altogether. Put your finger on Ned. Go 7 miles to the library and 5 miles back home. How far did Ned go altogether?
    • He went 7 miles plus 5 miles more. Write a plus sign between the 7 and the 5.
    • What’s the answer? Go type it in and click on Check. Then click on Show Answer.
    • Now, he didn’t go 12 centimeters or 12 feet. He went 12 miles. In a word problem it is VERY important to label your answer, write the word that you are talking about (like miles for this problem).
    • You solved your first word problem. Way to go! Now you can play a game.
  5. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 82
  1. Here’s your new word problem.
    • Anne ate 6 cookies.
      Samantha ate 4 more cookies than Anne.
      How many cookies did Samantha eat?
    • Draw a picture or use legos as cookies. You need 6 cookies. Draw 6 cookies or lay out 6 “cookies.”
    • Who ate that many cookies?  (answer: Anne)
    • Who ate the most cookies? Read the problem carefully to find the answer.  (answer: Samantha)
    • The problem tells us that Samantha ate more cookies than Anne.
    • How many cookies did Samantha eat? How do we figure it out. We know she at 6 cookies, just like Anne, but then she ate more. How many more?  (answer: 4 more)
    • Add 4 more cookies to your drawing or lego collection.
    • How many cookies did Samantha eat? Write the number equation. That means write the problem with numbers and no words.  (answer: 6 + 4 =)
    • Type in your answer and check it. Type in the number and the label, the word you are talking about (cookies this time). First you will have to click on the arrow to change it to the second problem (2/5). That means second out of five problems.
    • Is this what you wrote?  (answer: 10 cookies)
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 83
  1. Here’s your next word problem.
    • Henry gave 5 stickers to his younger brother.
      Now he only has 9 stickers.
      How many stickers did Henry have at first?
  2. What should do first? Let’s draw a picture.
  3. Draw two people. Draw one stick person on one side of the page and another stick person on the other side of the page.
  4. Draw 5 stickers under one and 9 stickers under the other.
  5. How many stickers does Henry have now? (answer: 9 stickers)
  6. Before he had those nine stickers plus all of the stickers he gave his brother. Write this word problem as an equation, as a number problem. Don’t look at the answer until you’ve written the problem with numbers instead of words.  (answer: 9 + 5 = )
  7. How many stickers did Henry have at first, before he gave any away? Click on the arrow to find the third problem (3/5) and then enter your answer with a number and a word label. The word label for this problem is stickers.
  8. Were you right? (Did you answer 14 stickers?)
  9. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 84
  1. Here’s your next word problem.
    • Derek and Larry have 15 books together.
      6 of the books belong to Derek.
      How many books does Larry have?
  2. What do we do first?  (answer: Draw a picture.)
  3. Draw a picture of 15 books. (You can just make a line for each book. It doesn’t have to be a pretty picture.) Or, you can get out 15 legos and pretend they are the books.
  4. Your fifteen books are Derek’s and Larry’s. Right now they are all together in one big pile.
  5. Now, look at the problem. How many of the books are Derek’s?  (answer: 6 books)
  6. Count out six legos and put them in a separate pile. Or, circle six books in your picture. Those are the ones that belong to Derek.
  7. Who do the rest of the books belong to?  (answer: Larry)
  8. So, how many books does Larry have? Count them up. That’s the answer.
  9. But how do we get that with a number problem. What kind of problem is it when you have a lot and then take some away? Is it an addition problem or a subtraction problem?  (answer: subtraction)
  10. Write this word problem as a number problem. Write the equation. Don’t look until you wrote it down.  (answer: 15 – 6 = )
  11. How many books does Larry have? Click on the arrow to find the fourth problem (4/5) and then enter your answer with a number and a word label. What’s the word label for this problem?  (answer: books)
  12. Were you right? Did you write 9 books?
  13. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 85
  1. Ready for your next word problem?
    • Angela had 8 computer games.
      She got 3 more for her birthday.
      How many computer games did Angela have then?
  2. What do you do first?  (answer: Draw a picture.)
  3. Think about the different parts of the picture and what they are. (Games before, games for her birthday, games she had altogether after her birthday)
  4. Write the equation. Write the word problem as a number problem.
  5. How many games did Angela have after her birthday? Click on the arrow to find the fifth problem (5/5) and then enter your answer with a number and a word label.
  6. Did you get it right? Click on Show Answer to see if you got the word label correct.
  7. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 86
    • 15 children watched the circus.
      8 children were holding banners.
      How many children were not holding banners?
  1. What do you do first?  (answer: Draw a picture.)
  2. Think about the different parts of the picture and what they are. (all of the kids at the circus, kids holding banners, kids not holding banners)
  3. Write the equation. Write the word problem as a number problem.  (Did you write: 15 – 8 =)
  4. How many children were not holding banners?  Enter your answer with a number and a word label.
  5. Did you get it right? Click on Show Answer to see if you got the word label correct.
  6. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 87
    • A clown juggled 7 red balls.
      Another clown tossed him 5 more balls.
      How many balls was the clown juggling then?
  1. What do you do first?  (answer: Draw a picture. You might want to color 7 balls red and the other 5 balls another color.)
  2. Think about the different parts of the picture and what they are. (red balls, 5 more balls, all of the balls)
  3. Write the equation. Write the word problem as a number problem. Is it addition or subtraction? Did the clown add more balls or take away balls?
  4. How many balls did the clown juggle altogether? Click on the arrow to find the second problem (2/5) and then enter your answer with a number and a word label.
  5. Did you get it right? Click on Show Answer to see if you got the word label correct.
  6. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 88
    • 11 clowns were wearing polka dot pants.
      5 clowns were wearing striped pants.
      How many more clowns were wearing polka dot pants?
  1. What do you do first?  (answer: Draw a picture.  Draw the striped pants right underneath the polka dot pants.)
  2. This problem is different than others you have done. It asks, “How many more clowns were wearing polka dot pants?” It’s asking what’s the difference between the number of polka dot clowns and the number of striped clowns.
  3. Look at the picture. Draw a line from each striped pants to a polka dot pants. How many polka dot pants extra are there? How many don’t have matches? That’s how many more there are. How many? (answer: 6 clowns)
  4. How do we write that with numbers as an equation? Is it addition or subtraction?  Write the equation before you peek at the answer.  (answer: 11 – 5 = 6)
  5. We use subtraction to find the difference between the number of things.
  6. Click on the arrow to find the third problem (3/5) and then enter your answer with a number and a word label.
  7. Did you get it right? Click on Show Answer to see if you got the word label correct.
  8. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 89
    • How many elephants were still in the ring?
    • 14 elephants entered the ring for the first show.
    • After the show, 6 elephants left.
  1. What do you do first?  (answer: Draw a picture.)
  2. Think about the different parts of the picture and what they are. (elephants at the first show, you could circle the elephants that left, and the rest are the elephants still there)
  3. Write the equation. Write the word problem as a number problem.
  4. How many elephants were still in the ring? Click on the arrow to find the fourth problem (4/5) and then enter your answer with a number and a word label.
  5. Did you get it right? Click on Show Answer to see if you got the word label correct.
  6. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 90
    • 7 children jumped up and cheered for the clowns.
      5 more children joined them.
      How many children were cheering then?
  1. What do you do first?  (answer: Draw a picture.)
  2. Think about the different parts of the picture and what they are. (children cheering, more children, children altogether)
  3. Write the equation. Write the word problem as a number problem.
  4. How many children were cheering altogether? Click on the arrow to find the fifth problem (5/5) and then enter your answer with a number and a word label.
  5. Did you get it right? Click on Show Answer to see if you got the word label correct.
  6. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 91
  1. Do this lesson on coins. This is American money, but the adding together of coins worth 1, 5, 10, 25, etc. is useful in lots of currencies.
  2. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 92(*optional)
  1. (*)You may find it helpful to use a chart to help you count coins, especially when adding on tens. Use it if it helps you.
  2. Count the coins. Count by tens. Then count by fives. Then count by ones.
    • Counting by tens: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
    • Counting by fives: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
    • Counting by ones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • This is how you put them together. Count 2 dimes, 3 nickels and 4 pennies.
    • Counting 2 dimes: 10, 20
    • Count ON 3 nickles: 25, 30, 35
    • Count ON 4 pennies: 36, 37, 38, 39
  3. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 93
  1. Match the money.
    • A quarter is 25 cents.
    • 25, 50, 75, 100
    • 100 cents in one dollar.
  2. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 94
  1. Make the total amount.
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 95*
  1. Gather up a handful of coins. If you don’t have American coins, lay the coin with same number on it over the American coin.
  2. *Print out this chart, (Count Your Coins).
  3. Organize your coins into piles. Count up all your quarters (or 25) coins. Write  the number you have on the chart. Now count by 25s and figure out how much money those coins are worth. Write it on the chart. Do that for all of your coins.
  4. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 96
  1. Which coin?
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
  3. If you are getting the answers wrong, don’t get frustrated. Go to each day until you know them all quick. Then you can win all of the games! It will take you through addition and subtraction until you know them all correctly and quickly.
Day 97
  1. Click on level 1 and beginner.
  2. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 98
  1. Play spending spree.
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 99
  1. Read Too Much Noise. Answer the questions and click on the arrows to move ahead.
    • In this story it uses a fifty cents coin. You don’t see these often. This is what it looks like. It’s just like having two quarters.
    • This story asks you to find the fewest coins needed. Start with the coin worth the most. If you can use it without having too much money, choose it. Choose the most of that coin you can use without having too much money. Then you move to the next coin worth the most.
  2. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 100
  1. Click on level 1 and expert. Use the least amount of coins.
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
More Word Problems
Day 101
  • Richard has $6.  Scott has $8 more than Richard.  How much money does Scott have?
  1. Do you remember the first step?  (answer: Draw a picture. You don’t have to draw Richard and Scott. Draw six dollars or just draw six lines to be your six dollars. Then add 8 more for Scott.)
  2. Label your drawing. Which are how many Richard has? Which are how many Scott has?
  3. Does Scott have $8?  (answer: No. Scott has 8 MORE dollars.)
  4. Write your equation. Write the problem with numbers instead of words.
  5. How much money does Scott have? Enter your answer with a number and a label.
  6. Did you get it write? Click on Show Answer to see if you got the label correct.
  7. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 102
  1. Do the second word problem. Use the arrow to find 2/5.
  2. It says, “Altogether,” which is a clue to add.
  3. Draw a picture. What in the picture shows the answer?
  4. Write an equation.
  5. Answer the question and check your answer.
  6. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 103
  1. Do the third word problem. Use the arrow to find 3/5.
  2. It says, “less,” which is a clue to subtract.
  3. Draw a picture. What in the picture shows the answer?
  4. Write an equation.
  5. Answer the question and check your answer.
  6. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 104
  1. Do the fourth word problem. Use the arrow to find 4/5.
  2. In this one you are comparing what two people have. If you had 1 cookie and your brother had three cookies, how many more cookies did your brother have than you? Did you subtract or add to find the answer?
  3. Draw a picture. What in the picture shows the answer?
  4. Write an equation.
  5. Answer the question and check your answer.
  6. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 105
  1. Do the fifth word problem. Use the arrow to find 5/5.
  2. No hints this time.
  3. Did you get it right?
  4. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
More Money
Day 106
  1. We’re going to keep working on money. We’re going to use more money this time. One hundred cents is one dollar.
    • 100 pennies are worth 1 dollar
    • 20 nickles are worth 1 dollar — 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
    • 10 dimes are worth 1 dollar — 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 90, 100
    • 4 quarters are worth 1 dollar — 25, 50, 75, 100
  2. 5 dollar bills are worth the same amount of money as one 5 dollar bill.
  3. Two five dollar bills are worth the same amount of money as one ten dollar bill. Right? 5 + 5 = 10 so $5 + $5 = $10
  4. Try level 2 Beginner first. You can try Expert after if you like.
  5. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 107
  1. Count the coins into the cup.
  2. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Day 108
  1. Play easy first. If you want to get rid of money that you have, click on that coin and it will go away. Pay attention if it is dollars or cents.
  2. You can play the hard level if you like.
  3. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 109
  1. Ask your parents for all of their money! Count their bills and count their coins. Have someone check to see if you are right.
  2. Choose a game from  Math 2 — Addition!
Money Word Problems
Day 110
  1. Play level 3. Play beginner. This counts up lots of money. $10 + $10 = $20 right? You can do it!
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 111
  1. Do these money word problems. You can do it!
Day 112*
  1. *Here are some Money Word Problems.
Day 113*
  1. *Try these harder money word problems. You can do it. Draw a picture or get out coins and count them up!
Day 114
  1. More money word problems.
Day 115
  1. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 116
  1. Do you remember how to tell time?  Do you remember the hour hand is the short one and the minute hand is the long one? Do you remember that when the hour hand points to the three and the minute hand points to the twelve we say, “Three o’clock.”
  2. Let’s see if you remember. Play this quick game.
  3. Now look at these clocks. The minute hands are all pointing to the six. That means “thirty minutes.”
  4. Find the right time.
  5. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 117
  1. Remember how to count by fives? Watch the video.
  2. Now look at this clock face. Each of those big numbers stands for an hour. If the hour hand is pointing to the two. It is two o’clock. If it is after the two (but not to the 3 yet) then it is 2 and some minutes. Let’s figure out how many minutes.
  3. Point to each number as you count by fives. Point to the 1 and say “five.” Point to the 2 and say “ten.” It takes five minutes for the minute hand to move from one number to the next, so we count by fives when we are counting minutes. Count by fives all the way around the clock. When you get to the 11 you should be at 55 minutes. Did you count correctly?
  4. Now count around the clock again!
  5. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 118
  1. Do you remember how to count the minutes by five? Here’s the clock if you want to practice it again.
  2. See if you can tell the time. Remember that the hour is the number the hour hand comes AFTER.
  3. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 119
  1. Match the times to the clocks.
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 120
  1. Do you think you got it? Take a quiz.
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 121*  (Portfolio time if you are making one. You could save one of the worksheets from this week.)
  1. Match the times.
  2. *Draw the hands on the clock to show the time.
  3. Ask someone older to check it for you.
Day 122*
  1. *Print out these clocks.  Follow my directions below.
  2. Write down on the blank the time on the first clock.
  3. Read the word problem and then write how many hours you need to add or subtract.
  4. Now take your finger and point to the hour hand on the first clock.
  5. Pointing to each hour, count up or down according to what the problem is. The minutes do not change.
  6. Write the new time in the answer blank.
  7. Have someone check your answers when you are done.
  8. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 123
  1. Play this time telling word problem game. If you lose, play again.
Day 124(*)
  1. (*)You are going to need to sit with someone who can tell time for this. Read the time on each clock. The fat hand is the minute hand. Then say what time it is going to be in five minutes. If you want to play it as a game, print it out and use dice.
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 125*
  1. *Print out this time worksheet. Read the question and draw in the hands on the blank clocks.
  2. Have someone check your work when you are done.
  3. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 126
  1. Do all five word problems. Use the arrow to move to the next problem after you check your answer. Draw pictures to help you. Write the number equation. Write the label with your number answer.
Day 127
  1. Count to 100 dollars. You can use beginner.
  2. Then do level 1, expert. Expert means you have to use the fewest number of coins. To count to 30 cents you would use a quarter and a nickle, not three dimes. Give it a try. Do your best.
  3. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 128
  1. Read and learn about bar graphs.
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 129
  1. Read bar graphs.
  2. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 130
  1. Now build bar graphs.
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 131**
  1. *Use the information at the top of the page to fill in the bar graph.
    • First look at the information. What is this graph about?
    • If snake were on there and it got 4 votes, you would find snake along the bottom and color in four blocks above it.
    • Fill in the bar graph to show how many times each animal was voted as someone’s favorite.
  2. *Now answer these questions about the graph.
  3. (When you are done, you can click the picture to check your answers. The last one will be different for everyone.)
  4. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 132
  1. Read this story about pictographs.
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 133
  1. Make a pictograph. Don’t be confused by everything it says. Where it says choose a picture and a color, you can choose a picture and a color using the drop down menu.
  2. Don’t change anything else.
  3. In the top line of the graph, write “Number of _________.” The blank is whatever picture you chose: car, flower, boat…
  4. In the first box under description, write the color you chose.
  5. Now click on the graph and watch the pictures show up. Decide how many there should be.
  6. Now choose another color.
  7. Write that color in the next description box.
  8. Click on the graph and decide how many there should be.
  9. Do the same thing with different colors and fill in the graph.
  10. Call someone over and tell them what your graph shows.
  11. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 134
  1. You are going to have to find “Connecting Cubes”, to do this you have to click on manipuatives and then select “connecting cubes”. Then drag a green block onto the white part of the screen, your workmat. Drag another out. Move it so that it connects to the other. Build a row of green blocks.
  2. Now build a row of purple blocks.
  3. Do it again with red and yellow. Don’t make them all the same length.
  5. Click on this link to make a circle graph or pie chart.
  6. You are going to use your data that you created with your connecting blocks.
  7. Under category write Green. Under number write how many green blocks you used.
  8. Do the same for each color.
  9. Click on Draw Chart.
  10. What do you see?
  11. Does this kind of graph show you exactly how many of each block were used?  (answer: NO)
  12. This kind of graph shows you how the different things compare to each other. It uses percents. 100 percent, 100% is the whole graph filled in with one color. 50% (percent) is half of the graph filled in with one color. You probably see the % symbol on sale signs.
  13. According to your circle graph, which color do you use the most?
  14. According to your circle graph, which color did you use the least?
  15. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 135
  1. *Make your own bar graph.
  2. Decide what it is going to show. (What vegetables and how many of each are in your house? You can decide. )
  3. Write a title at the top.
  4. Label the side–it will be the number of whatever you are counting.
  5. Label the bottom — it will be the things you are counting.
  6. Fill in the blocks.
  7. Explain to someone what your graph shows.
  8. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 136
  1. Read the fraction story and answer the questions.
  2. Design a flag that is half white and half filled with color. Have someone older check your picture.
  3. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 137
  1. Read about 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4  and then scroll down and click on start and do the exercise.
  2. Design a flag that is one quarter (1/4) white and three quarters (3/4) filled in with color. Have someone older check your picture.
  3. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 138
  1. Read the fraction story and answer the questions.
  2. Design a flag that is one third (1/3) white and two thirds (2/3) filled in with color. Have someone older check your flag.
  3. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 139
  1. Jump across the river.
  2. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 140
  1. Match the fractions with their pictures.
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 141*
  1. *Complete the fraction worksheet. The first answer is three fifths, 3/5 , because three of the five fish are shaded in (dark colored).
  2. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 142
  1. Match the fractions. The bottom number is how many pieces are in the pie. The top number is how many are shaded in.
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 143*
  1. *Complete the fraction worksheet.
  2. Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 144
  1. Match the fractions with their names. (four fifths is 4/5)
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 145*
  1. *Play fraction dominoes.
  2. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 146
  1. Read the centimeter ruler. Only whole centimeters are marked. You are measuring the red line.
  2. This ruler looks different. It’s is still a centimeter ruler. The centimeters are marked with a longer line and the number to the left of it. In the middle of each centimeter is a shorter line. That’s halfway between. That’s a half a centimeter from the last marker. If the red line stops at a middle line, then the length is the number of centimeters before it plus one half. If the red line stopped at a half a centimeter more than three, then the answer would be 3.50 . (It’s kind of like $0.50 is halfway to a dollar. $3.50 is halfway between $3 and $4.)
  3. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 147
  1. Now let’s try it with an inch ruler. Measure the red line.
  2. Now try the harder version! Look carefully at this inch ruler. Each inch has 4 lines. The inch marker has the longest line with the number next to it on the left. The middle line is the next longest. That marks half an inch. The other two lines on either side mark a quarter of an inch, 1 out of 4 parts of the inch or 1/4th, or one quarter. If the red line stops at the third line on the inch, then that is 3/4 ths of an inch. Give it a try.
  3. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 148
  1. Measure how far ant needs to go to get to his picnic. Click on the circles. Then use the ruler (you can turn it sideways) to measure how far he needs to go. Enter the number and click on go.
  2. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 149
  1. Now you are going to read a different kind of ruler, a thermometer.
  2. This is a Fahrenheit thermometer. In America we mostly measure lengths by inches and temperature by degrees Fahrenheit. The rest of the world measures length by centimeters and degrees by Celsius. On the thermometer the lines that go all the way across are counting by tens. Those lines are numbered. The half lines in between are counting by fives. So the line half way between 10 and 20 is 15. Click on the right answer and choose submit.
  3. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 150
  1. You saw this in level 1. Do you remember this thermometer? Slide the bar up and down to see what the temperatures mean. You can also see the temperatures in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
  2. Now you are going to estimate the temperature. That means you are going to make a good guess about what temperature it is in each scene described. (It will tell you how.)
  3. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 151*
  1. *Review graphs. Fill in the graph.
  2. *Answer the questions.
  3. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 152
  1. Review coins.
  2. Count up the coins.
  3. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 153
  1. Review measuring with a ruler.
  2. What time is it?  Can you tell time to the quarter hour?
  3. Choose a game from Math 2 — Subtraction!
Day 154
  1. Do  you know how much you weigh? If you are American, you weigh yourself in pounds. When you were born, they told your parents your weight in pounds and ounces.
    • a new baby weighs around 7 pounds
    • a cup of milk weighs about 8 ounces
    • a BIG block of cheese  might weigh 1 pound
    • a slice of bread might weigh 1 ounce
  2. Try and figure out if these things should be weighed in ounces or pounds.
  3. Choose a game form Math 2 — Addition!
Day 155*
  1. *Print page 3. Do problems 1-8.
  2. Then go and check your answers.
  3. Then do the mental math section next to it. Do numbers 1 to 10. You can write the answers on the back of your paper.
Day 156
  1. Do the dollars and cents questions, the patterns question and the “What Do You Think?” question on page 79.
  2. If there were one more picture of blocks, what would it look like? Draw the next set of blocks in the pattern.
Adding and Subtracting Tens and Ones
Day 157 
  1. Make a picture of the number 16 online.
  2. Go the manipulatives page. Click on Manipulatives and choose “Bears in a Boat.”
  3. Each boat holds ten bears. Drag one boat out onto your white board. Fill it up. Now you have ten. How many more bears do you need to make 16? Drag more bears onto the empty part of the board.
  4. You have 1 ten and 6 ones.
  5. Now make a picture of the number 23. You need two tens, or two boats. (Click on the boats and then click on the minus (-) magnifying glass to make them smaller so there is room.)
  6. Make two tens and then add three more bears to make 23.
  7. You have 2 tens and 3 ones.
  8. Count the tens and ones. Choose numbers up to 59. The blue blocks are in groups of ten. Each tower of blue blocks is 1 ten. You count them 10, 20, 30…
Day 158
  1. Count the objects. Count the number of lines of tens. Then count the ones.
  2. Count the tens and then the ones.
Day 159
  1. Write the number. Choose the right number of tens. Then choose the right number of ones.
  2. “Write the value of the tens and ones. For example, in 24 the 4′s value is just 4 (picture 4 blocks), but the 2 is really 2 tens which is 20 (blocks). If the problem underlined the 2, you would write 20. An easier way to do it is to read the number out loud. We say TWENTY – four. The 2 isn’t just a 2, it’s twenty.”
Day 160*
  1. Today we are going to separate tens and ones into addition problems. Here are some examples.
    • 11 = 10 + 1      It’s just like counting the groups of ten first and then adding on how many ones are left.
    • 17 = 10 + 7     Seventeen is one ten and seven ones.
    • 25 = 20 + 5    The number twenty-five is two groups of ten (20) and five more ones.
    • 34 = 30 + 4
    • 75 = 70 + 5
    • 81 = 80 + 1
  2. Do you think you could do it? Complete this worksheet (tens and ones expanded form).
Day 161
  1. Watch this presentation on adding and subtracting tens. It will play automatically. You don’t need to turn the pages. It will talk to you too, so make sure you have the volume on.
  2. Go to this game page. Before you play the game, follow my instructions.
  3. Drag a stack of ten blocks onto the board. It should say 10. Do you see it?
  4. Drag more stacks of ten blocks onto the board and watch the number change. You are adding tens.
  5. Now take the ten stacks away, one at a time, and watch the number change. You are subtracting tens.
  6. Now you play that game if you like.
Day 162*
  1. *Print out all four worksheets. Today you will do Adding and Subtracting 10s, Worksheet 1.
Day 163
  1. Do worksheet 2 that you printed out on Day 162. (If you want the answer sheet to check the answers when you are finished, use the link on Day 162.)
Day 164
  1. Do worksheet 3 that you printed out on Day 162.  (If you want the answer sheet to check the answers when you are finished, use the link on Day 162.)
Day 165
  1. Do worksheet 4 that you printed out on Day 162.   (If you want the answer sheet to check the answers when you are finished, use the link on Day 162.)
Day 166*
  1. When you add ten to a number, you just have to 1 to the number in the tens spot.
  2. Watch this presentation on adding tens. It will play automatically and talk to you.
    • 40 + 10 = 50   You start with 4 tens. That’s 40. Then you add 1 ten. 4 tens + 1 tens = 5 tens. 5 tens is 50.
    • 35 + 10 = 45    The number 35 has 3 tens. Then you add 1 ten.  3 tens + 1 ten = 4 tens.  The ones stay the same. We added nothing to the ones, so the answer is 45 .
  3. *Give it a try. Complete this worksheet (Adding Tens). Have someone check your answers.
Day 167*
  1. Print out page 89 and complete it. (It’s page 9 of the pdf.)
Day 168*
  1. Watch this presentation on subtracting tens.
  2. Complete this worksheet on subtracting tens (Subtracting Tens). It’s what you did yesterday. Here are some examples.
    • 20 – 10 = 10     (2 tens – 1 ten = 1 ten)
    • 23 – 10 = 13      (2 tens – 1 ten = 1 ten   You aren’t taking away any ones, so that number stays the same.)
    • 47 – 10 = 37
    • 50 – 20 = 30     (5 tens – 2 tens = 3 tens)
    • 56 – 20 = 36      (5 tens – 2 tens = 3 tens    You aren’t taking away any ones, so that number stays the same.)
Day 169*
  1. Print out this adding page. It’s only adding but it uses bigger numbers. It’s the same thing, though. You can do it. Let’s look at a couple of examples before you start.
    • 40 + 80 = ?   4 tens + 8 tens = ?
    • What is 4 plus 8?  (answer: 12)
    • So the answer is 12 tens. How do you write that?
    • Well, how do you write 6 tens?  You add a zero and write 60.
    • How do you write 4 tens?  You add a zero and write 40.
    • How do you write 12 tens?  You add a zero and write 120.
    • Let’s try one more. 90 + 50 = ?
    • 9 tens plus 5 tens
    • 9 + 5 = 14
    • 14 tens is 140
    • 90 + 50 = 140
Day 170*
  1. *Complete this subtraction worksheet (Subtracting Tens part 2). It’s just like Day 169 but with subtraction. Here’s one example.
    • 130 – 80 = ?
    • 13 tens – 8 tens = ?
    • 13 – 8 = 5
    • 13 tens – 8 tens = 5 tens
    • 130 – 80 = 50
Day 171**
  1. Watch this presentation on subtracting tens and ones.
  2. *Try some. Complete this worksheet (subtracting 2 digits no regrouping).
  3. Next you are going to do an easier worksheet. There is no ten in the bottom number, so you only need to subtract the ones.
  4. Here is an example.
  5. 46 – 3 = ?
  6. 6 ones – 3 ones = 3 ones
  7. You aren’t taking away any tens, so there are still 4 tens.
  8. The answer is 4 tens and 3 ones or 43.
  9. *Complete the worksheet (subtracting 1 digit no regrouping).
Day 172**
  1. Watch this presentation on adding tens and ones.
  2. And with adding nothing in the tens?
  3. 46 + 2 = ?
  4. 6 ones + 2 ones = 8 ones
  5. 4 tens + no more tens = 4 tens
  6. The answer is 4 tens and 8 ones. That’s 48.
  7. 46 + 2 = 48
  8. Complete these worksheets on adding tens and ones.
  9. Worksheet 1: addition with 1 digit 
  10. Worksheet 2: adding with 2 digits
Day 173**
  1. Complete these worksheets. You need to pay attention! Some are + and some are -. If you don’t pay attention, you will get some wrong. Make sure you subtract when it says minus. Make sure you add when it says plus.
Day 174
  1. We’re going to try one more thing before the end of the year. You are almost there!
  2. Watch this presentation on adding tens and ones.
  3. Watch this video on adding this way. Stop around 5:40 when it says “to stop and work on your worksheet.” (You don’t have a worksheet!)
Day 175*
  1. Watch this video on regrouping and carrying the 1 to the tens column.
  2. *Then complete this worksheet (addition 1 digit with regrouping).
Day 176*
  1. Watch this video on carrying the 1 to the tens column.
  2. *Then complete this worksheet (adding 2 digits with regrouping). Add the ones. Add the tens. Add the extra one if it is there.
  3. Check your answers. Fix your mistakes.
Day 177* (Portfolio time: Save a worksheet from this week for your portfolio.)
  1. Complete this worksheet of addition word problems with bigger numbers (addition word problems 2). You know how to add them!
Day 178*
  1. Re-watch one of the videos from day 174, 175 or 176.
  2. *Complete this worksheet (two-digit addition).
  3. Check your answers.
Day 179*  
  1. Complete this worksheet of word problems (Subtraction word problems).
Day 180
  1. Play Connect Four. You have to get four of your color in a row. It can be up and down, across or diagonal.