Yan : ICT (Excel)

Basic Excel Topics

  1. Basic Terminology - This module presents suggestions on using tabs, cells, cursors, and adding worksheets.
  2. Calculating Percent and Using Absolute Cell Reference - Learn how to tell Excel to always use a cell when performing calculations, rather than letting Excel select the cell to use relative to the last cell used.
  3. Entering and Editing Data - Here are suggestions about entering and formatting data, plus a review of cursors.
  4. Create a Chart - Step by step instructions for creating a graph in Excel [Excel calls this a chart]
  5. Create a Quick Chart with F11 - Instructions for making a chart that any student can make (yes, even Kindergarten!)
  6. Using Automatic Features - Auto fill, auto sum, merge and center, and a review of cursors are topics presented in this module.
  7. Using Equations - Here are suggestions about entering your own equations into a worksheet.
  8. Using Functions - Included in this module are examples of some of the common built-in functions in Excel. 

Excel Menus and Toolbars

  1. Standard Toolbar Buttons- Use this module to review the buttons on the Standard toolbar; and then take a practice quiz.
  2. Standard Toolbar Buttons Quiz - The quiz from the module above is available on a page without any toolbar button explanation.
  3. Formatting Toolbar Buttons - Look at a review of the buttons on the Formatting toolbar. When you finishing reviewing take a practice quiz.
  4. Formatting Toolbar Buttons Quiz - The quiz from the module above is available on a page without any toolbar button explanation.
  5. Drawing Toolbar Buttons - Use this module to review the buttons on the Drawing toolbar; and then take a practice quiz.
  6. Drawing Toolbar Buttons Quiz - The quiz from the module above is available on a page without any toolbar button explanation.
  7. Customizing Toolbars - Here are suggestions about the process of customizing toolbars. The suggestions are followed by practice tasks.
  8. Using Menu Items part 1 - Here are suggestions about using the File, Edit, and View menus.
  9. Using Menu Items part 2 - This module includes suggestions about using the Insert, Format, and Tools menus.

Advanced Excel Topics

  1. Create an interactive crossword puzzle - Use the conditional format feature of excel so your puzzles can immediately show correct (or incorrect) answers.
  2. Creating and Designing Single Use Spreadsheets - This is a lesson on making a spreadsheet designed to perform a single function; temperature conversion for example.
  3. Inserting an Image into the Background of an Excel Worksheet - This process would work well for setting up review worksheets to use on an interactive whiteboard.
  4. Make a Review Quiz using Drop-down menus and Conditional Formatting - This module explains how to make a type of quiz that will tell students if their answers are right or wrong.
  5. Make a Custom List - You can tell Excel what information to fill down; the example used is a list of your students.
  6. Recording a simple macro - If you have to do a set of repetitive steps, this module shows how Excel can be set to perform the task automatically using a macro.
  7. Transposing Rows and Columns in an Excel Workbook - Rather than starting all over entering data, Excel can switch the rows and columns for you.
  8. Use Excel to Import Data from the Internet - Sure you can write the numbers on paper and then manually enter them into the worksheet, but Excel can automatically import data for you.
  9. Using Conditional Formatting - This is an example of "if then" formatting; if the answer is right then display it colored green, for example.
  10. Using Excel as a grade book - This grade book shows how Excel can be used to handle weighted grades.
  11. Use Excel to Write a Branching Story - Stories that give students the chance to select what happens next can easily be contained on worksheets of one workbook. This module explains how to set up worksheets for text input and how to make hyperlinks for where to go next.
  12. Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Microsoft Excel PC/Windows version - Don't reach for the mouse, some things can be done quicker with keyboard shortcuts.
  13. Using Mail Merge - Learn how to use Word and Excel to create a form letter which can then fill in information specific to each of your students.
  14. Using Mail Merge - [Office 2003] - Learn how to use Word and Excel to create a form letter which can then fill in information specific to each of your students.
  15. Writing Mad-Libs with Excel - Learn how to have a little classroom fun and practice parts of speech at the same time.

Advanced Excel Topics - Charts and Graphs

  1. Analyzing Classroom Data - a simple survey - This is a tutorial on how to calculate percentages and sums using survey data.
  2. Chart Modifications: Index - This is an index of three modules showing ways to make changes to charts; each module is progressively more detailed.
  3. Chart Modifications: Part 1 - Make a quick chart with the F11 key and then add a title and name the x-axis and y-axis
  4. Chart Modifications: Part 2 - Change a basic chart to a pictograph and insert a picture as a background.
  5. Chart Modifications: Part 3 - Change the width of gaps between columns and turn a column chart into a pie graph.
  6. Create a Chart or Graph - This module presents suggestions on using the chart wizard.
  7. Create a chart using pictures for the bars or columns - Use this module to learn how to turn a chart into a pictogram.
  8. Make a Scatter Plot with Excel - You can use Excel to display ordered pairs and then show a line of best fit.
  9. Using a Radar chart to analyze data - Sometimes when you can't see the forest for the trees, this type of graph gives you a good overview.
  10. Using PowerPoint to animate an Excel Chart [Office 2003] - Make a simple chart and then use PowerPoint to display the elements of the chart one at a time. Office 2000 instructions