Yan : Science (Biology)

Biology is a fascinating subject. Learning about life on Earth is fun. Biology is the study of life, what life needs to survive, what makes life possible, how life evolves and changes, and how lifeforms interact with one another.

This is an indepth online biology textbook written for kids. Please make sure you go though each of the sections below:


Please read ALL text in each section, watch the video where available and take the test.  If you do not get full marks on the test, read the text again and repeat test. Keep repeating until you get full marks in the test. Please record all your lessons done and test scores in your log book. 

Reproductive System 

  • Read about the male reproductive system and answer the questions.
  • Read about the female reproductive system and answer the questions.
  • Start reading about cells. Read through page 288. Stop at Organelles.
  • There are lots of big words in there! Write what is the same and what is different about the two types of cells. Write what’s the same in the box and what’s different on the two sides of the line. *Print out this sheet to use (prokaryotic eukaryotic).
  • Watch this stages of birth video and take the quiz.
  • Watch this video and click on the links to learn about the development of a baby, of you from the beginning!
  • Psalm 139:13-14
  • Read the whole chapter!
  • Do this word jumble. All of the words are the big, bold, dark words from your reading. Use the chapter to help you unscramble them. You can print the puzzle or click to “solve online.”
